Research activity - 1) Study on the genetic susceptibility to cancer (humans)

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1d) Study on the genetic susceptibility to pancreatic and gastric cancers


We are currently developing studying to discover new genes involved in the risk of pancreatic and gastric cancers, using the classical case-control study approach on candidate genes as well as the new ultra-deep sequencing methods on genomes and transcriptomes.

1) Thanks to the collaboration with Dr. Marco Del Chiaro (Hospital of Cisanello, Pisa, Italy) we are planning studies to evaluate possible genetic risk factors for the familial as well as sporadic form of  pancreatic cancer. For a review of the argument see Mutation Research 2009.

2) We are also planning studies to evaluate possible risk factors for the development of the Barrett's Oesophagus, a benign form of dysplasia considered the precursor of the adenocarcinoma. Collaborators involved in the study are Prof. Santino Marchi (S. Chiara Hospital, Pisa, Italy) and Dr. Massimo Conio (San Remo Hospital, Italy). Studies on the transition Barrett-Adenocarcinoma are also planned.